
Avoid negative reviews

With our custom Filter page for your business.

Filter Page

We know that it is much easier for a dissatisfied customer to give you a negative review than for a happy one to give you a positive one. At Rating Trust Corporation we help you with this situation by creating a page that filters negatives. Its operation is very simple. If the customer is unhappy, he takes them to an internal form that is not published anywhere. On the other hand, if you are happy, it takes you to the Google My Business tab. That easy! 

How to take advantage of it

1. Add a highly visible link to your WEB

If you have a web page, create a link to your Filter page. This will make people who want to put a negative opinion go there instead of looking for your Google Maps listing on Google. We show you two examples.

The Ciclos Richi website has put it on its menu, in the About Us – Opinion section. In less than 2 months it has avoided 4 negative reviews. 

M10Selection has created a button on the side to leave reviews. In less than 3 months it has avoided 6 refusals.

2. Ask your customers for opinions

Another way is to send your customers the link of the filter to ask for their opinion. Never send the Google Maps directly to avoid negatives. We tell you some ways to do it.

By Whatsapp

It is the one that works best but it takes more work since you have to open contacts one by one and ask for their opinion. 


It is not as effective as WhatsApp but it does not take time. Of every 20 SMS one usually puts a review. 

By email

You can send Newsletter with Sendingblue, MailChimp or others. There is a whole world of possibilities that you can program, like sending to the entire database, programming it to be sent within a few days of placing the order. Because it often reaches SPAM or promotions and is not as direct as WhatsApp or SMS, many positives are not usually received with this method.

How to get your page

You will see other websites that ask for more than €150 a year or very high amounts to create a page for you. With Rating Trust you have it totally free when you buy a pack of 50 positive reviews for your business. Or if you want it without the pack, you can buy your filter page for €80 one-time payment (and it lasts forever). In addition, your Google Maps file will get a reputation as it will have a link from the trustedgoogleplaces.com filter page of considerable authority. And that helps position you ahead of your competition as well as the number of reviews and the score. 
